Nigel Oldfield aka Nasty Nigel

In 2000 the British tabloid press dubbed popstars judge Nigel Lythgoe "Nasty Nigel", due to the way he handled wannabe stars. However, Britain already had a Nasty Nigel and he gained that title through far more sinister means. While Lythgoe was berating bad singers, Nigel Oldfield was amassing over 11,000 indecent images of children, until he was finally caught after police searched his home when he was arrested for taking pictures of children in his local town centre. The monster was locked up for a measly 15 months, but instead of using them 15 months to realise the sickening error of his ways, he used them to counsel other sex offenders on how to escape justice.
Oldfield was released back into the community and is currently blogging, trying to expose those who hunt paedophiles or speak out against paedophilia in general.
Oldfield is an advocate that a child has no innocence and should not be protected. He is an advocate that possessing an indecent image of a child should not be a crime because "no physical crime is being committed", please do not think Mr Oldfield is being naive when he makes statements like that. He knows exactly where these images come from, he also knows that the child has not consented or (and in most cases) is far too young to even know what consent is!
So, on his release Oldfield, instead of trying to blend back into society and change his dirty, vile, disgusting habits, he kept up the running of his paedophile enabling blog, the blog that TEACHES paedophiles how to escape justice! This man (if you can call him that) is living somewhere amongst a community that does not know his lurid past, and that his blog and social media accounts scream he is a danger to children. Those local to Oldfield should know his past and his beliefs, and should be able to judge for themselves whether they want him amongst them. The residents in Rotherham decided they did not want a notorious paedophile living near them, they surrounded the house he was living in and demanded that he be moved. Instead of feeling ashamed that so many wanted him out, he simply shouted out "Bring your children to me!". It has been claimed that there was 100 people outside Oldfield's home that day and that he was attacked. Personally, I do not believe it, because within 30 seconds any normal man (or woman) would of torn his head off for shouting something so vile. 
I loathe writing this piece because Oldfield is an attention whore, he loves the shock value he gets when he spouts his bile. This blog will probably have the narcissistic animal feeling quite happy and accomplished. Well Mr Oldfield, the above poster will be printed off 10,000 times and distributed amongst our 1000 plus members, put on lamp posts, libraries, hospitals, shop windows, take aways and anywhere else we can put them, your face will be all over the United Kingdom, until the people in your area know what you are still doing, and what you went to jail for. I wont mention Mr Oldfield's girlfriend, the one who calls him Daddy because, unlike Mr Oldfield we don't go after the families of those we hunt! 

I will end this with a big thank you to those that have read the blog, if you would like to follow us on facebook, the link below will take you to our page, and to Nasty Nigel (because I am sure you are reading this), a great big FUCK YOU!!!!

GB, Admin


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